“They're going to get tired of beating me, I still have ... left 3 contract years”

“They're going to get tired of beating me, I still have ... left 3 contract years”
Neymar fue desafiante con la afición del PSG. PHOTO: @gemma_soler

A Neymar it seems that things matter little to him. Brazilian soccer player 30 years seems to be back from everything or go directly from anything. This was what he did see in the interview after the conquest of the PSG title where controversy was not exempt. Y es que el público abandonó el estadio y ni se paró a celebrar un título que cada vez sabe a menos a tenor de la plantilla de videojuego que exhibe el club francés. And is that the Brazilian and Messi are the most noted for the umpteenth failure of the Parisians.

“They're going to get tired of beating me, I still have ... left 3 contract years”

So defiant was a Neymar who made it clear that he had left 3 contract seasons of his multimillion-dollar contract and that he had not even remotely thought of going anywhere. In fact, very few clubs in the world could afford his salary, which makes his departure unfeasible despite the fact that PSG are fed up with Neymar.

People left the stadium passing from the celebration of the League 1, a title which is no longer valued among the faithful of the Parisian team due to the overwhelming superiority of PSG's squad compared to the rest. When asked about this and about his relationship with the stands, Neymar was defiant and at the same time almost almost surreal.

Se van a cansar de pitar porque me quedan tres años más de contrato. I'm going to stay, así que o se detienen o tendrán que tomar aún más airedeclaró el astro brasileño.

Estoy especialmente feliz por esta noche y el título que es lo más importante. Yes, it was a long and difficult season with everything that happened. But we managed to win the championship, it was very important for us. Now we need to breathe, calm the mind, que es lo más importantesentenció un Neymar que dejó claro que seguirá en París pese a las irás de sus aficionados.

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