Doubts about the future of Valencia

Doubts about the future of Valencia
Gayá es uno de los que podría salir del proyecto del Valencia. PHOTO: Valencia CF

Last modified April 25, 2022 by Drafting Fesp

They are not being easy hours for him Valencia and its swelling. The King's Cup Final it was a bitter pill to swallow for the ché group, from which it is necessary to recover as soon as possible to face with guarantees what remains of League.

However, the fans and the purest Valencianism do not place their head in the present, but rather the immediate future.

The institutional instability that the club has been going through for years has had a considerable impact year by year in sports. Having won the cup tournament against Betis, the Valencia would have added an exciting title and, further, had certified his ticket to dispute the UEFA Europa League the next campaign. But all this disappeared and now an uncertain future lies ahead..

What will happen to Bordalás?

Definitely, the work you are doing Jose Bordalás in front of the Valencia Football Club is positive. Without having been able to make a template at will and under an atmosphere of tension, the technician from Alicante has known, at least, reinstate the competitive gene in the locker room and put the team back in contention for a title.

Experts assure that it will be the '9' that will dominate football in the coming years, the irrefutable reality is that, in spite of this incessant work, the Valencia the season is not going to end with a good feeling.

Bordalás has a valid contract, but it is widely rumored that his journey in Mestalla may be coming to an end.

Doubts about the future of Valencia are opened. Many flagship players could also leave

Another great fear, not to mention the main, it is the possible departure of several of the heavyweights of the squad.

The Valencia need to cash, thing that would have been very different if he had won the Cup Y, por ende, entered European competition. So, It is very likely that the entity will sell players from a large cartel like itself Guedes.

Further, it may not end there. footballers like Carlos Soler or Captain Gayà could also leave the ship in search of great sporting challenges. Nobody doubts his Valencianism, but if they want to grow professionally it seems that staying in the Valencia It is not the best option.

Carlos Garrido